
Flutter Firebase Cloud Message: Image Notification iOS

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If you use Firebase Cloud Message to send Notifications in Flutter, you need to do an extra step for iOS to enable Push Notification with Image.

However the documentation is not clear and complete in some steps, so in this article, we will try to resolve all errors after we follow the documentation from Official Firebase.

Based on that documentation, in this step make sure you set the ImageNotification module not embedded in your existing project because that can make fail when you want to create a release build. Don't forget to set Minimum Deployments as same as your existing project to make it support lower OS versions.


GoogleUtilities Error when creating a release build

When you run your app in debug mode you will not be facing that issue. But when you want to create a release build, you will get this error.


Encountered error while archiving for device.

How to resolve that? We need to update our Podfile file to be like this


target 'Runner' do
  pod 'GoogleUtilities'  #add this

  flutter_install_all_ios_pods File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__))

target 'ImageNotification' do
  pod 'GoogleUtilities'  #add this
  pod 'Firebase/Messaging'

After that, you can create a new release build 🎉

Please write your comment if you still facing issues while working on Push Notification with Image in iOS.